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recipes:ultimate_stuffed_pizza [2021/02/16 11:01] – created - external edit [2023/08/18 08:48] (current) paul@johnsonville.org
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 I've had good results using 9" cake pans, the following recipe makes 3 pizzas using these pans. You may notice in the pictures that the pans are doubled. Cooking a deep dish Chicago pizza without overcooking the crust can be tricky, I've had better results when I double the pans. One of these will satisfy 2 (very) hungry pizza eaters. 3 will fit in my oven, allowing everyone in the family to get their favorite filling. I've had good results using 9" cake pans, the following recipe makes 3 pizzas using these pans. You may notice in the pictures that the pans are doubled. Cooking a deep dish Chicago pizza without overcooking the crust can be tricky, I've had better results when I double the pans. One of these will satisfy 2 (very) hungry pizza eaters. 3 will fit in my oven, allowing everyone in the family to get their favorite filling.
 ===== The Crust ===== ===== The Crust =====