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recipes:bacon [2023/04/11 18:18] – created - external edit [2023/09/07 10:02] (current) paul@johnsonville.org
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 ====== Bacon: How to make the crispiest bacon ====== ====== Bacon: How to make the crispiest bacon ======
 The night before you want bacon, dip bacon strips (2–3 per person) in a medium bowl of flour to coat completely. Shake off any loose flour and lay the strips on a parchment-paper-lined sheet pan in a single layer (if you need to stack the bacon, lay parchment between each layer), cover the pan with beeswax wrap or a final layer of parchment, and refrigerate overnight. The night before you want bacon, dip bacon strips (2–3 per person) in a medium bowl of flour to coat completely. Shake off any loose flour and lay the strips on a parchment-paper-lined sheet pan in a single layer (if you need to stack the bacon, lay parchment between each layer), cover the pan with beeswax wrap or a final layer of parchment, and refrigerate overnight.